The Sweden-Express

Peter Norlin’s
legen­dary yacht

You are loo­king for very spe­cial yacht? The OMEGA 42 is the legen­dary design by Swe­dish yacht engi­neer Peter Norlin. Start­ing 1975 this boat stirrs up regat­tas and estab­lishes hers­elf a repu­ta­tion as a light and powerful racing boat with crui­sing qua­li­ties. She quickly earns her nick­name as the “Sweden Express”.

Until the late 90ies she will be built exactly in 160 units for the ambi­ni­oned performance-oriented crui­sing skip­per. Even totay, many OMEGA 42 are on the water, moreo­ver, gene­ra­ti­ons of sail­ors adore her for being the “most beau­tiful sailboat in the world.”

What is the Omega 42?

The E‑Type
of sailboats

She is long, sleek, with a tall mast and low draft. The OMEGA 42 can be decri­bed as being the “E‑Type of sailboats”. Right so: Her ele­gant over­hangs, the sharp cut­ting bow and the low coach­roof make the sil­hou­ette of an OMEGA 42 a temp­ting, unmist­aka­ble, irre­sista­ble – and at the same time clas­si­cally beau­tiful – yacht.

The legend, Peter Norlin: He is con­side­red one of the most talen­ted and influ­en­tial yacht desi­gners of Sweden. His boats defi­ned boat buil­ding of the 70ies and 80ies. Yachts like the legen­dary Scampi or the dif­fe­rent Albin sports crui­sers have been deci­ding for pro­duc­tion boat­buil­ding at the time.

All of his designs share the balance of power and beauty. “Clean lines sail fast”, that was his motto. The OMEGA 42 is con­side­red the pin­na­cle of his work. An beau­tiful, light­weight and fast yacht, an icon.

Tall rig­ging, to catch the wind flowing over the Swe­dish islands, a low draft to being able to sail close to the stones. The OMEGA 42 became the “secret weapon” to wind races. Until today!

Exactly 160 units of the OMEGA 42 have been built bet­ween 1978 and 1989 by dif­fe­rent Swe­dish shi­py­ards, for exam­ple at Swede Star. The two ite­ra­ti­ons of mainly inte­rior layout-versions are at their time for most sail­ors an unat­tainable dream yacht.

Many modern Scan­di­na­vian boat designs from today, like Luffe or Faurby, are taking their inspi­ra­tion directly from Peter Nor­lins mas­ter­piece. Dozens of ambi­tio­ned owners are pushing their OMEGA 42 to her limits from Sweden to Aus­tra­lia, for exam­ple atten­ding Sydney-Hobart, one of the toug­hest regat­tas in the world.

The daring and never again repea­ted length-to-width ratio and the sharp lines make the OMEGA 42 an unmist­aka­ble boat. There is no other design like this: The ele­gance of her sheer­line, the deep flat coach­roof and the unin­ter­rupted, well-balanced lines are a role-model for many other boats.

Two gene­ra­ti­ons of yacht desi­gners after Norlin still refer to this yacht when it comes to tim­e­l­ess style and spor­tive looks. Today, the OMEGA 42 is con­side­red as being the “most beau­tiful sailboat in the world” by count­less enthu­si­asts.

Price starts at
511.700 €
incl. 19% German VAT

Why an OMEGA 42?

Per­for­mance –
the sai­ling machine

The OMEGA 42 is a tho­roughbred sai­ling machine. With a dis­pla­ce­ment of just 7 tons she is a light­weight, even com­pared to modern boats. Thanks to her 3.5 tons of bal­last, she is incre­di­bly stiff. You will sail this big yacht just like a small jol­ly­boat: She is sen­si­tive and ama­zin­gly agile on the rudder. You will con­trol the helm with just 2 fin­gers, tiller-steering of course, and you will adjust the main­sail by hand, like a dinghy. She is very powerful on any point of sail, espe­ci­ally bea­ting will show her poin­ting powers. Even in light winds the OMEGA 42 can go a high pace. You are loo­king for true allround-performance, active sai­ling with high speeds on any point of sail? OMEGA 42 is your boat!

“Back to the roots”, this is our motto. Our new-build OMEGA 42 is a true no-frills yacht. No knick-knacks, no apps, no ener­vat­ing updates or digi­tal bal­last. Wie are buil­ding this boat for all of those who just want to cast off the lines and truly enjoy pure sai­ling fun. There is no onboard BBQ, no over­si­zed bathing plat­form or lush sun-mattresses. Ins­tead, our new OMEGA 42 is a sai­ling machine to the bone. “Back to the roots”, that means that you will not be diver­ted from active sai­ling, the expe­ri­ence of wind and water. Our OMEGA 42 brings you to the source, down to zero, back to the start: Launch yours­elf into your jour­ney to pure sai­ling with all senses.

Not­hing about our new OMEGA 42 is off the shelf. Start­ing with her hull and deck, the mas­sive custom cast lead keel, the newly desi­gned Seldén rig­ging and all of her inte­ri­ors, this yacht is a true one-off semi-custom boat. Apart from a few struc­tu­ral must-haves, like the posi­tion of the bulk­heads, we are able to design the OMEGA 42 accor­ding to your per­so­nal needs and wishes.

Your ideas won´t have too many boun­da­ries. Any OMEGA 42 is a hand-made one of a kind boat: Tog­e­ther we will plan and design your indi­vi­dual layout, the use of mate­ri­als, colors and hap­tics. In this, your OMEGA 42 will make your wishes of per­so­nal dream yacht become true.

Designs like the OMEGA 42 are non-existent in pre­sent day boat­buil­ding. Modern crui­sing yachts are desi­gned to offer maxi­mum inter­nal volume and — if any — good sai­ling per­for­mance on the “vaca­tio­nal” points of sail from 90 to 120 degrees TWA.

The OMEGA 42 is desi­gned to per­form well on every single point of sail: Even in heavy seas and upwind this hull won´t punish the crew. She is a true all­round sailboat, deli­ve­ring a great per­for­mance and high average speeds — by gua­ran­te­e­ing to cut through waves in a plea­sant manner.

Your OMEGA 42

New OMEGA 42
made in Ger­many

In the year 2017 our pro­ject to have a 4th gene­ra­tion modern new build OMEGA 42 begins. Our team of sai­ling con­nois­seurs and dedi­ca­ted master boat­buil­ders focu­ses on the new OMEGA 42. The boats are semi-custom one offs made with hig­hest craft­sman­ship, pre­cis­ion and true boatbuilder´s pride. “Made in Ger­many” com­bi­ned with the rich history of this flam­boy­ant sai­ling beauty. Your dream yacht? Let it be an OMEGA 42!

We have acqui­red the ori­gi­nal moulds for all GRP-parts which had been meti­cu­lously refur­bis­hed to make sure that every new hull adhe­res to our hig­hest qua­lity stan­dards. Every single OMEGA 42 boat came out of these moulds. Hull and deck will be made with modern resins and syn­the­tic sand­wich mate­rial (not Balsa!).

For a maxi­mum of stiff­ness and dur­a­blity and of course lowest pos­si­ble weight — 7.0 tons of dis­pla­ce­ment is gua­ran­teed.

Your OMEGA 42 sports al classy 2‑cabin layout as stan­dard. 2 adults can enjoy a huge, 2.40 m long V‑double berth in the bow cabin. The saloon fea­tures two 2.0 m long sofas which can be turned into beds as well. In stan­dard layout, we offer a large 2.20 m long 1.5 person-berth (pilot berth) in the ports­ide aft cabin. Vis-a-vis we fit a large sto­wage, which upon request can be rea­li­zed as a second aft-berth. You are free to choose your inte­rior wood, colors, cushions and work­tops to make this boat your indi­vi­dual one-off dream yacht.

Our team of qua­li­fied and enthu­si­a­stic boat buil­ders will make your wishes come true, when it comes to the inte­rior fit­tings: Elec­tric toilet, the equip­ment of the galley, elec­tric and elec­tro­nic fit­tings are sub­ject to your wishes. Also, design-wise you can choose colors, mate­ri­als, hap­tics and all forms of indi­vi­dual details.

Your ambi­tion (almost) meets no boun­da­ries…

Since the ori­gi­nal OMEGA 42 did not have any offi­cial cer­ti­fi­ca­tion and lite­rally all ori­gi­nal plans by Peter Norlin are lost, we´ve had to reverse engi­neer the whole yacht from scratch.

In a meti­cu­lous, redi­cu­lously expen­sive and com­plex one-year forced march we had to re-invent and re-calculate the whole boat from mast top to keel. Ana­ly­sis, mea­su­re­ments and con­stant eva­lua­tion of dozens of clas­sic OMEGA 42 and the incor­po­ra­tion of present-day tech­no­logy cli­ma­xed in the com­plete set of detailed buil­ding plans. Your new OMEGA 42 has been offi­ci­ally cer­ti­fied CE cate­gory A, “unli­mi­ted ocean off­shore sai­ling.”


Boat­buil­ding qua­lity
at Lake Mue­ritz –
Nor­t­hern Ger­many

Our com­pany, Mue­ritz Boots­ser­vice, has been foun­ded in 2015, before that, our core-team worked in boat­buil­ding for over 20 years. Our main busi­ness is main­ten­ance, repairs and sup­port­ing ser­vice for off­shore sailboats based in the nearby Baltic Sea. Our team is com­pri­sed of 10 employees, all of which are skil­led boat­buil­ders and craft­smen. We employ 3 young app­ren­ti­ces at any time, being taught in this won­derful craft­sman­ship. Since the start of the OMEGA 42 pro­ject, we have become a major hub for clas­sic OMEGA 42-yachts in terms of main­ten­ance, repair and major refit­ting ope­ra­ti­ons.

My boat made my abso­lute livelong dream of owning an OMEGA 42 come true. This yacht is excee­ding my hig­hest expec­ta­ti­ons in terms of sai­ling pro­per­ties and onboard living com­forts by far. She is a beauty and true head-turner in every marina – beyond that, she is plain and pure sai­ling fun!

Stefan Gos­sing
Owner Omega 42 »Wind­fän­ger« (#401)

Actually I was about to sign a purcha­sing con­tract for a FIRST 36. My decis­ion to opt for the OMEGA 42 has been driven by gut instinct and a true, deep heart­felt love for this yacht. Now I am clo­sely fol­lo­wing the com­ple­tion of my boat. I am happy to see that the team is very enthu­si­a­stic and open for my ideas and wishes. I cant´t wait to see my dream yacht being finis­hed soon!

Lars Reis­berg
Builder-owner of the second new OMEGA 42 »Alpha« (#402)

When I heard about the new build 4th gene­ra­tion of OMEGA 42 yachts at Lake Mue­ritz, I was elec­tri­fied! For me as an owner of a clas­sic OMEGA 42 form that day on only one shi­py­ard is a real con­side­ra­tion for refit and repair! Even if trans­port costs from Sou­thern Ger­many to the North are high, the out­come and fini­s­ing qua­lity is so much more worth it!

Owner from Sou­thern Ger­many
Clas­sic OMEGA 42