My boat made my absolute livelong dream of owning an OMEGA 42 come true. This yacht is exceeding my highest expectations in terms of sailing properties and onboard living comforts by far. She is a beauty and true head-turner in every marina – beyond that, she is plain and pure sailing fun!
You are looking for very special yacht? The OMEGA 42 is the legendary design by Swedish yacht engineer Peter Norlin. Starting 1975 this boat stirrs up regattas and establishes herself a reputation as a light and powerful racing boat with cruising qualities. She quickly earns her nickname as the “Sweden Express”.
Until the late 90ies she will be built exactly in 160 units for the ambinioned performance-oriented cruising skipper. Even totay, many OMEGA 42 are on the water, moreover, generations of sailors adore her for being the “most beautiful sailboat in the world.”